How to manage your citations with your iPad ?

More and more citations apps are now available for tablets.
We already present you Easy Bib but others apps also exist.
Some are free others will cost you a few euros.

Take a look at this selection made by “Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Which one is your favorite ?

Would you be willing to pay to get an effective app to manage citations on your iPad ?




October News


Web of Science Training Session
For those who could not attend the training session by Thomson Reuters, a recording is available. Please contact the library to obtain the link.


Article of the month
Proof over promise: Moving citation metric systems beyond journal impact towards a career impact approach.

This is an article written by:
Anne-Wil Harzing, Research Professor and Research Development Advisor at ESCP Europe and Professor of International Management at Middlesex University. Since 1999 she maintains an extensive website ( with resources for international management and academic publishing.
Wilfred Mijnhardt, Policy Director at Rotterdam School of Management and Executive Director of the Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He publishes a weblog “Research Management in Management Research”

“Publishing in a high-impact journal carries the implicit promise that the article will also be highly cited. But the proof of this logic remains unsubstantiated. By combining more accurate citation metrics, like the hIa-index and the citation-per-author-per-year metric, the authors provide a more substantial alternative to the narrow journal-based metric. This combined metric provides a more reliable comparison between academics in different disciplines and at different career stages.”

“Economists love to rank. Even a casual five-minute literature search reveals literally hundreds of publications on rankings of academic productivity and impact. Dutch economists are no exception. In fact, they produced what, to our best knowledge, is the oldest ranking in the field: a nation-wide ranking of Economists (the Economics top-40) that has entered its fourth decade. However, this ranking is based on publication volume in ISI-listed journals weighted by the journal’s impact factor or article influence score, rather than on the actual impact of the publications in question.”


Mooc of the month
Coursera launches 18 new specializations to help you master specific subjects.

Here are some of the specializations proposed:

  • Improving Business Finances and Operations, University of Illinois
  • Digital Marketing, University of Illinois
  • Cloud Computing, University of Illinois
  • Data Mining, University of Illinois
  • Interaction Design, University of California, San Diego
  • Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices, University of California, Irvine
  • Business Communication for Career Readiness, University of California, Irvine
  • Practical Management for Career Readiness, University of California, Irvine
  • Business Tools for Career Readiness, University of California, Irvine
  • Entrepreneurship: Launching an Innovative Business, University of Maryland
  • 程序设计与算法 Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithms, Peking University
  • Become a Social Scientist: Methods and Statistics, University of Amsterdam
  • Perception, Action and the Brain, Duke University
  • Content Strategy for Professionals in Organizations, Northwestern University
  • Statics & Dynamics: Foundations in Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

View the full list here

News from SSRN: Weekly Top 5 papers

SSRNTo know the 5 most downloaded papers week after week, connect to the SSRN blog. This week (10 October), the first paper comes from the Economics department of Stanford University and the third one – from the Economics department of Emory University.

  1. A Brief Introduction to the Basics of Game Theory by Matthew Jackson (Stanford University – Department of Economics)
  1. Buy or Bite? by Enrique Guerra-Pujol (University of Central Florida)
  1. ‘A Diamond is Forever’ and Other Fairy Tales: The Relationship between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration by Andrew M. Francis (Emory University – Department of Economics) and Hugo M. Mialon (Emory University – Department of Economics)
  1. Scam Compliance and the Psychology of Persuasion by David Modic (University of Exeter) and Stephen E. G. Lea (University of Exeter – College of Life and Environmental Sciences)
  1. Six Provocations for Big Data by Danah Boyd (Microsoft Research) and Kate Crawford (Microsoft Research)


Alternatively, you may also be alerted via the SSRN Twitter account.

Social Media Sentiment Monitor app within Eikon

EikonThis is an interesting study regarding how social media can provide sentiment indicators that are predictive of future market returns. To help determine whether a given stock has a positive or negative social media sentiment score, the Social Media Sentiment Monitor app within Eikon ranks tweeters based on their social influence or Klout scores.

See the case study published in The New York Times: “Beating the Street with Tweets

Who are the most cited researchers in Economics & Business?

To find out, connect to the database “Highly Cited Researchers” introduced by Thomson Reuters. Over three thousand researchers earned the distinction by writing the greatest numbers of reports officially designated by Essential Science Indicators℠ as Highly Cited Papers—ranking among the top 1% most cited in their subject field and year of publication, earning them the mark of exceptional impact.

Regarding the Economics&Business category, there are 95 included in this ranking.

Highly Cited Researchers

Miss Palmer Case



Last Monday night, the library was the scene of quite a strange crime. Miss Palmer was found lifeless in the literature section. She had been killed coldly, her head had been hit with a bookend.

About 20 students came to investigate from 8pm to 10pm in order to find out who the murderer could be.
There were 5 suspects: 4 librarians and a student. The students – in a group or individually – interviewed them tirelessly to find out the truth. All suspects had alibis but some of their declarations were not matching: the hardest thing was to unmask who was lying.

The atmosphere was both exciting and studious. Every student was determined to uncover the culprit. After more than one hour of investigating, forming hypotheses and having doubts, our one night detectives concluded by giving the name of the person they accused of the crime. And 11 of them found the criminal: Christine!

3 of the discerning investigators were drawn to win the great prizes generously sponsored by EBSCO Information Services : Cristiano won an Ipad whereas Lara and Jiayne received a Kobo E-reader !
All the other participants got a Library goodie as a consolation Ppize : A travel mug or a USB stick for the right answers, and a cotton bag with a pen for the others.

Congratulations and thank you for having played the game and shared this fun moment with us!


I thought it was a great idea and really enjoyed it. Also an effort was taken to make everything look realistic, with the crime scene or the plan in the library and the staff was really friendly and interested themselves. Thank you very much for organising it. ” Lara

“I had a fantastic time at the Murder Party last Monday. The plot was clerverly crafted and the fake crime scene with red tape and a dead body outline immediately pulled me into the investigation. The library staff were in character the whole time – even when some of us asked them some really awkward questions ! –  and the plot kept thickening as we interrogated them. It was a really fun experience, also because a lot of exchange students were there and we got to work together and learn from one another’s interrogation techniques. At the end, as we were munching on cakes and sweets, the library staff revealed the identity of the murderer, and all those who had guessed right got a prize. I really hope there will be another Murder Party soon, and really encourage you to go if you haven’t been there yet! Thank you again 🙂Oriana

I really like the atmosphere and appreciate that the “witnesses” acted so hard! So enjoy it and many thanks!Jiayue

Very cool and well prepared event. To be done again !Kevin

I must say it was a very engrossing event, with a murder theme that captured my mind. It was fun to play “detective” for one night!Akshay

See the photo album on the library’s Facebook page.


A la Pause Ciné du 7 octobre

combattants  grand budapest ennemy


Claire et Manon, étudiantes en L3, nous ont parlé de plusieurs films qui leur ont plu, dont : Les combattants (2014) , de Thomas Cailley.

“Il s’agit de son premier film. Le film commence avec un écran noir dès la première scène, on entend quelqu’un parler de cercueil. C’est film décalé, une comédie romantique qui casse les codes de ce genre. Les rôles sont inversés. La fille, Madeleine, est énergie pure, c’est elle qui mène le film,  comme une locomotive.  Elle n’apparait pas comme objet de désir bien qu’il il y ait du désir dans l’histoire. Elle n’est ni féminisée, ni sexualisée. Elle veut travailler dans l’armée tandis que le garçon qui l’admire paraît plus fragile et rêve d’une vie posée. C’est un film émouvant, une comédie subtile”.

Claire a fait un parallèle avec le film  The Grand Budapest Hotel, où le réalisateur,  Wes Anderson (2013), a demandé aux acteurs de jouer sérieusement car le scénario est assez décalé en lui-même. “Un film drôle et insolite”.

Toujours dans le registre insolite, elle a cité  Ennemy (2013) , de Denis Villeneuve. “Le début du film est ennuyant, bizarre, sombre. Un homme rencontre son sosie dans la rue, puis en avançant dans l’histoire, on ne sait pas s’il s’agit d’une seule et même personne. J’étais fâchée pendant la première partie du film et intriguée pendant la seconde, au point de chercher sur Internet l”explication du film. Et avec du recul, j’ai trouvé ce film génial.”
Elles ont fait un parallèle avec les films Mémento (2000) et Inception (2010), de Christophe Nolan, “qui manipule le spectateur, si bien qu’il n’est pas sûr de son interprétation à la fin du film”.

Nous avons évoqué les différences culturelles dans le cinéma selon le pays de réalisation.  En matière de comédie romantique, Claire et Manon donnent leur préférence aux comédies anglaises, comme “l’indétrônable Coup de foutre à Notting Hill, 4  mariages et 1 enterrement ou encore Le journal de Bridget Jones“.


dormir stoker

J’ai évoqué la sortie du film Avant d’aller dormir, un thriller issu du roman éponyme de Watson, en leur recommandant le livre. L’intrigue ? Une femme – jouée par Nicole Kidman-, affectée d’un cas très rare d’amnésie suite à un accident des années plutôt , se réveille chaque matin se croyant jeune et célibataire  avant de découvrir qu’elle a 47 ans et qu’elle est mariée à un homme depuis 20 ans. Elle va tenter de recouvrir la mémoire et reconstituer le puzzle de son existence, à l’aide d’un journal intime qu’elle va cacher avant d’aller dormir puis retrouver chaque jour.

Les étudiantes ont rebondi sur la manière dont la correspondance épistolaire peut être retranscrite à l’écran, en évoquant Les Liaisons Dangereuses (1988), de Stephen Frears, qu’elles ont qualifiée de remarquable.

Enfin, Claire nous a suggéré un autre film avec Nicole Kidman : Stoker (2013), de Chan-wook Park. “C’est un film très sensuel- sans qu’il y ait pourtant de désir chez les personnages -, avec des personnages psychopathes. Une fille vient de perdre son père dans un accident, son oncle vient habiter chez eux. Ils ont alors des comportements très étranges, dans une sorte de huis clos. Il est difficile de raconter l’histoire”.


Pour aller plus loin, retrouvez à la bibliothèque :

– Mémento, de Christophe Nolan

– Inception, de C. Nolan

– Les Liaisons dangereuses, de Stephen Frears

– Avant d’aller dormir, de S. J. Watson (roman)

– Le journal de Bridget Jones, de helen Fielding (roman)